Students should not arrive at school prior to 8.00 am as there is no staff supervision.
All students who arrive prior to 8.40 am are required to move to their designated shelter area (P-2 CPA, 3-6 The Shed).
As part of the Dept of Education and Queensland Teachers Union 2016 Enterprise bargaining Agreement class teachers are not required to open their classroom doors prior to the commencement of the first learning session at 8:50am.
Those teachers who do so, do it on a voluntary basis.
School commences at 8.50 am. All students are expected to begin learning at his time. Parents are requested to leave unless assisting in classroom programs.
Students are not to be on school grounds prior to 8:00am unless enrolled with the Out of School Hours Care program.
| 8:45 - 8:50 -Morning Welcome in Shelter Areas
Session 1 |
8:50 - 11:00 -First learning session |
First break |
11.00 am - 11.10 am -Supervised eating |
11.10 am - 11.40 am -Play |
Session 2 |
11:40am -1:20pm -Second learning session |
Second break |
1.20 pm - 1.30 pm -Supervised eating |
1.30 pm - 1.50 pm -Play |
Session 3 |
1.50 pm - 2.50 pm -Third learning session |
| 2:50 pm -School finishes for the day - return home |
School assemblies
At these assemblies we share information, perform school productions, and provide public recognition for our students of the week. Parents are always welcome to attend.
Various assembly types are held, typically on a Monday afternoon from 2:20pm to 2:50pm. A calendar for assembly types and days is published at the beginning of each term.